* Enable developer mode * Enable Remote Connection ("Allow signing in via SSH") to generate password => needed later for devel-su * Open terminal and switch to su mode by typing the command: $devel-su * First backup your old file, cp /var/lib/environment/ofono/noplugin.conf /var/lib/environment/ofono/noplugin.conf.bak * To enable ofono logging please add "-d" to ofono launch parameters in following file: $vi /var/lib/environment/ofono/noplugin.conf An EXAMPLE where -d has been appended: OFONO_ARGS=--noplugin=dun_gw,hfp,hfp_ag -d * Reboot * Above steps need to be done ONLY ONCE * If you are not able to enable extended ofono logs like instructed, please nevertheless proceed to next steps * Reproduce your problem scenario * Export journal output into a file: $journalctl -ba --no-tail --no-pager > journal.txt * Export logcat into a file: /system/bin/logcat -b radio -v time -d > logcat.txt * Send the file to Jolla * When finished, please revert back to using the original backed up /var/lib/environment/ofono/noplugin.conf